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Its pre-Hispanic past has been confirmed by several discoveries related to its first dwellers.

In the castle of San Miguel, Aldea blanca, representations and medieval dinners are celebrated.

Among the local celebrations the most outstanding takes place on the 29 th of September, that of the Patron Festivities of San Miguel with the traditional “papada”, a friendly dinner where the potato is the star and wine abounds.

Calendar of Popular Festivities in San Miguel de Abona
May 3rd Festivity of the Cross. Tamaide
May Virgin of the Harbour. El Frontón
June 24th San Juan Bautista
First week in July Our Lady of Carmen. Guargacho
First weekend in August Sacred Heart of Mary. Aldea Blanca
August 16th San Roque. El Roque
September 29th Patron Festivities of San Miguel Archangel
Last two weeks in October San Esteban. Las Zocas
November Santa Cecilia

The lacework and rosettes are characteristic of the artwork in this region.

Cultural Interest Centres

Youth House

Phone: 922 701 017

San Miguel Casino

Phone:922 700 004

Aldea Blanca Cultural Centre

Frontón Cultural Centre

El Roque Cultural Centre. El Globo Ludotheca

Phone: 922 167 915

Guarguacho Cultural Centre

Phone:922 783 186

Jardín de La Estrella Cultural Centre. Ludotheca

Phone: 922 736 484

Manuel Padilla Cultural Centre. Library. Las Zocas

Cultural Information Office. Culture Council of the Guildhall.

Phone: 922 700 000 ext 221 - 225

For Complete cultural information concerning Tenerife and the Canaries visit www.tenerifeculture.com


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